My name is Charles Hatchett, the Democratic Candidate for Kentucky 1st District Congress.
In the movie “Swing Vote,” Kevin Costner asks the presidential candidates one question from Mr. Peter Mathis of Henderson, Kentucky. If this is the greatest country in the world, why is it so hard to make a living here? He said, I have three little girls, what would happen if they got sick?
Mr. Whitfield won the 2008 election with one ad: I want every American to have health care just like I do, but he voted against it every time and offered no alternative plan. Sincerity is always subject to proof.
Charles Hatchett stands for…
- Praying in Jesus’ Name to the God of Creation
- Revamping trade agreements to free and fair trade, so companies using labor from Asia and Mexico must pay the equivalent to USA minimum wage.
- Having a congressional council like a small city mayor has a city council. The council will oversee the district affairs including the vote.
- Being committed to the people. We will go forward through the future frontier. The wagon train will be made up of the old, the young, the sick, the unemployed, the non-voters and no one will be left beside the trail. I intend to make it with the whole family intact. This nation needs to remember how futures are built.
Fair Tax Co-sponsored by Congressman Ed Whitfield
Bill Summary & Status, 111th Congress (2009-2010)
Madisonville Area Manufacturer’s Association Speech
When you listen to the news, we begin to think hope is gone. But it’s not checkmate for the United States. We can make a move and the move must be patterned after a similar move that worked in our past. More…
130th Fancy Farm Speech
I want you to pretend the next few minutes that we are all Americans without a party affiliation. The founding fathers formed our country by signing documents to establish a new nation and no one put a party affiliation with their signature. More…